Melbourne Acoustics
A specialist noise and vibration consultancy
Environmental Noise Services
Industrial Noise
Assess the impact of industrial noise sources, such as factories, on nearby communities and other sensitive receptors. In coordination with relevant stakeholders, compliance with the Environmental Authority requirements is then achieved through intelligent noise-control design.

Traffic Noise
Quantify traffic noise impact using data from long-term noise monitoring and numerical noise models. Noise barrier design is then optimised to minimise costs and ensure compliance with Road Authority requirements.

Construction Noise
Conduct a noise impact assessment that defines all applicable noise requirements and highlights all relevant noise sensitive receptors.

Noise from Music and Entertainment Venues
Asses noise impact from entertainment venues on residential receptors, and verify compliance with Environmental Authority requirements.

Other Environmental Noise Sources
Assess other sources of environmental noise, such as dog kennels, gun ranges, and public-address systems, to verify compliance with relevant Environmental Authority requirements, and advise on amelioration measures.